
2023 Time-Bans And Fines [Routine]

Make Work Your Number 1 Love!


Time is Infinitely Precious

The "Fine Yourself!" Routine - Part 2

The "Fine Yourself!" Routine

The Harder I Work the Luckier I Get

People Who Never Apologize

A Wise Man Once Said

Something Has Got to Give!

Why I Will Never Set Foot in Another Agogo Bar

Randoms: Twitter & Exile & Rising-Above

Realizing You Just Want to be Alone

30 Years Ago, There Was Barely an Internet, and You Were Fine!

[Revisit] Work Every Waking Hour!

Internet Tough Guys Are Very Sad And Pathetic

"The Law" Does Not Exist!

[Value] Become a Value Making Machine!

Reflecting On A Week in Snowdonia

Social Media Is Not Your Friend! And 5 Other Useful Nuggets of Wisdom!

Work/Stress/Time Is NOT Your Enemy!

Stop Thinking You Cunt! And Instead Start Doing!


Liking What You Like vs Not Liking What You Like

Dopamine Detox for 1 day - Saturday!

The Police Want You To Bite The Apple

Finally I Know Who I Am

I Am A Social Outcast And I Am Good With That!

My Life is Over!

Break Free!

My View on *******