
New Year's Resolutions for 2022

When You've Lost the Honesty In Your Relationship, It is F*cked!

More Deeply Involved in Life, But Less Attached!

Movie Review 2021-12 (December)

Movie Reviews 2021.11.21

My Favourite Pirate Songs

The Forum Bully

You Are Your Own Worst Enemy

No One Gives A Sh!t - And Don't Expect Anyone To!

Why I am Quiet

My Favourite Electronic Music

My Favourite Movie Theme Tunes

My Favourite Hardcore Punk Songs

My Favourite Pop Songs

Lunch is for Wimps!

Am I A Weirdo and Does It Even Matter?

In Beauty May I Walk...

Some Anime Recommendations

A New Routine 2: "Through Discipline Comes Freedom!"

Three Very Simple Rules - But Can You Keep to Them!?

Throw One Thing Away Every Day!

In the Future We'll All Live a Life of Luxury - What a Load of Bollockz!

A New Routine: "Through Discipline Comes Freedom!"

The New Resolution - 7 Areas of Discipline

5 Year Goals [45-50]!!!

** A Fine Routine **

Why a Daily Routine is So Important

Love Dolls Can Save the World (Which Doesn't Need Saving BTW)

The Art of Doing Precisely What Needs To Be Done!

Not dopamine detox but simply not doing stuff that's no benefit!?

The Art of Knowing Where you Stand!

Nothing Really Matters (Part 3)!

Nothing Really Matters (part 2)!

Everything is Your Baby! Get Invested in It!

It Does Not Do To Dwell On Dreams And Forget To Live

How to Quit Stuff! (Like YouTube and Facebook)