** A Fine Routine **

Workday Routine

  • 0600-0800    Morning Personal Time
    • Breakfast, shower, etcetera...
  • 0800-1300    Morning Work Time
    • 0800 - Work email check 1 of 2.
    • Drink water only - no snacking!
  • 1300-1400    Afternoon Personal Time
    • 1300 - Personal email check 1 of 2.
    • Lunch, etcetera...
  • 1400-1900    Afternoon Work Time
    • 1400 - Work email check 2 of 2.
    • Drink water only - no snacking!
  • 1900-2300    Evening Personal Time 
    • 1900 - Personal email check 2 of 2.
    • Supper, etcetera...
  • 2300-0600    Sleep (internet off!)

  1. Can move personal time to accommodate work meetings.
  2. Try to aim for 10 hours work, 7 hours personal time, 7 hours sleep every work day.
  3. Personal time allows you to do pretty much what you like:
    • Eating, drinking, internet surfing, watching movies, listening to music, reading books...
    • Reading books is a great idea!
  4. No mobile phone internet (use phone for mostly phone purposes as appropriate, and computer for internet - need to stop excessive fondling of your phone!)

Weekend/Holiday Routine

Freedom to choose your routine (the day before/the morning - but do set a routine so you don't waste time!)


  • Good ideas:
    • Fitness/exercise.
    • Reading.
The Long Term Plan

I'll be 45 soon, I have 5 years to get out of debt, pay off the mortgage, and be the best at my job as I can be, then we'll see where we are at 50. That means no excessive spending (cars, mannequins ...) but life is meant to be enjoyed, so no need to be a scrooge!