Today I turned 45. I certainly do not feel like 45, really quite shocked I've made it this far.
Just 5 years to my 50th!
I've never thought about 5 year goals before, but now seems like a good time.
My goals in the next 5 years:
- Pay off the mortgage and become loan free.
- No more spending big on luxury items (enjoying life is right and proper, just keep it sensible.)
- Be the best at my job I can be.
- This requires focus, dedication, and a strong sense of purpose. Stick to your healthy routines!
- Be a super fit 50-year old.
- Time to return to my Insanity workouts (I love running but my achilles always takes a battering.) Another reason to stick to your healthy routines!
No. 1 is an ambitious target (more so than 2 and 3 which are easily achievable.) I have still a got £180'000 in debt on the mortgage. My other debt will be paid off in less than 5 years if I leave it be. With my mortgage payments then I would be at roughly £140'000 in 5 years time if I did nothing. £140k / 5 = £28k - not really achievable to be honest, but who knows, let us work hard and see how close we get!
And then when I'm 50, will I retire or find something else to do (business/career)!?
To be reviewed in 5 years time...