In this modern life, we very much live in a state of "what's next". We lead busy lives but mostly not very productive lives, because we struggle to focus on the "now" and keep bouncing to thoughts of "what's next!?" And if we have lots to get done, all those thoughts of "what's next!?" can lead to massive stress and burn out.
This is why now-ism is so important.
Like Alan Watts says "we are living in the Eternal Now".
Human's really cannot multi-task. You cannot solve two mental problems at once, each mental problem needs it space.
So, rather than the constant "what's next!?" instead the "what am I doing now!?" or "what do I need/want to do now!?" and forget about all those "what nexts!?" until you've done what you want to do in the "now".
Focus on what you need/want to do now!
Q1) What are your golf balls?
Q2) What are your pebbles?
Q3) What is the sand?
If I was to answer it would be:
A1 - Golf Balls) Health. Family & Wife. My passion (which is dolls)
A2 - Pebbles) Work & career. My car
A3 - Sand) Social media - forums, instagram, YouTube, etcetera. Blogging!
Why is work not a golf ball?
The thing about work is that no one on their deathbed ever said "I wish I'd done more work". On their deathbed it'll usually be "I wish I'd taken better care of my health" or "I wish I'd spent more time with family" or "I wish I spent more time on my passions."
Work & career is great. Maybe it allows you to be healthy. Maybe it allows you to follow those passions. But every employee knows that their employer is no more loyal to them than they are to it - an employer will get rid of you when you are no longer useful to them, no matter what great work you have done in the past. We spend most of our time at work but it is not the major thing in our life. If you're really lucky your passion and your work are the same thing, alas, very few people are that lucky.
Still, it is worth remembering "happiness is enjoying what you do, not doing what you enjoy!"