Rather than keep coming up with new posts, I'm going to tweak this regimen until it is fit for purpose!

"Happiness is liking what you do - not doing what you like!"

"If you don't want to change your job/career, that means you like your job/career. Maybe you just like the money side of it - that is fine too! Like what you like!"

Below I present a new regimen to apply to work days. My holidays are my own to do with as I please.

Things I Like To Do Before 0830 (<0830)

  • Wake up before 0600
  • Exercise or walk (+ supernarket shop)
  • Breakfast (& maybe shower)
  • Have a little personal time!

Things I Like To Do In The Morning (<1200) (Once I Start Work Mode!)

  • I like to work hard!
  • Check emails (once)
  • Drink only coffee/tea/water/squash (>1.5 hours between drinks pouring)
  • Eat only nuts
  • Call Ooh (maybe)

Things I Like To Do In The Afternoon (1200<T<1830)

  • Go for a walk (+ supernarket shop) (maybe - if didn't go in the morning)
  • Do a little personal admin (only if required to do in the day time)
  • like to work hard!
  • Check emails (once)
  • Drink only coffee/tea/water/squash (>1.5 hours between drinks pouring)
  • Eat only nuts

Things I Like To Do In The Evening (>1830) (Once I Stop Work Mode!)

  • Check emails (once)
  • Prepare and have supper
  • Have some personal time!
  • Call M&D
  • Go to bed (lights out) before 2200!

Things I Do Not Want To Do Between 0830 and 1830

In alphabetical order:

  • B:    Non-work related blogs
  • Da:  Cuddling dakimakuras 
  • Do:  Playing with dolls (taking photos is okay)
  • F:    Playing with my fondleslab
  • H:   Home interior re-org. (I do this a lot)
  • Sh:  Internet shopping
  • So:  Social media (discord, forums, YouTube, etcetera)
  • T:    Check any tracking
  • W:   Being a wanker (porn, masturbation, sex, anal toys)

These Are Okay To Do in Between 0830 and 1830

  • Work (IT) related blogs + also any blog post designed to improve productivity!
  • Taking doll photos is okay (because photos are most often better in natural light)
  • Adding notes to a to-do list of things to do in your personal time.