Saturday and Sunday (non-Workdays):
- Wake up anytime you like.
- Go for a run (or workout if the weather is very bad)
- The rest of the day is yours!
- Expect to have head on pillow just around 2200.
- Wake up at 0444.
- Do an Insanity workout (allow 1 or 2 days off a week and 0555 waking)
- Expect to start work just before 0800.
- As many teas/coffees as you like, but at least 1 hour gap after finishing the drink, and no food!
- 1 hour lunch break at roughly 1300-1400
- As many teas/coffees as you like, but at least 1 hour gap after finishing the drink, and no food!
- Supper at around 1800.
- Finish work after 2000.
- The rest of the day is yours!
- Expect to have head on pillow just around 2200.
NO YouTube , NO Facebook ... - basically only productive
things - until after 2000 on a weekday.