Q: If you’ve lost your mojo, but you don’t know what your
mojo is, how can you get it back?
A: You can’t. You need to know what your mojo is, then
you can get it back!
It seems fairly obvious, that if you’ve lost your mojo,
and are wondering how to get your mojo back again, it’s a hopeless endeavour if
you do not know what your mojo was in the first place.
Know what your mojo is, and then never lose it!
Goldsmith defines mojo as:
Mojo is “that positive spirit toward what you are doing now that starts from
the inside and radiates to the outside.” The most striking evidence of
Mojo is to compare it to its opposite, what I call Nojo, which is “that
negative spirit towards what you are doing now that starts from the inside and
radiates to the outside.”
This blog is much about my self-psychoanalysis. So, let’s
find my mojo - in relation to my career - and work out what has happened to it.
I felt I was at my pinnacle when I believed I could do
anything “any challenge, any project, give it to me and I’ll do it, I’m not
scared of anything, I can do anything!” I think that’s what my mojo was. Then I
lost it and I stopped believing in myself “ah, I don’t think I can do that, I
am scared, I am not confident, I just want to curl up in a ball in bed and not
have to face these new challenges.” So, it’s simple them, to get back my mojo I
just need to get that belief back:
My mojo:
I can do
anything. Any challenge, any project, give it to me and I’ll do it. I am not
scared of anything! I want to be the best I can be!
One thing that may have happened, is a feeling that I would do things not very well, but that is nojo speaking. The reality is that “you can do anything”. Existence is essentially very silly. As the great Alan Watts says about life “Don’t take it too seriously”. When you really think about life, it is very, very silly. You must remember to dance whilst the music is playing (the music being life itself). Yes, you really can do anything; and yes, maybe you will do it very badly, but that is not your problem!