Civilization (Computer) Game Addiction

Here I am, a mid-thirties male, having just spent the last two days non-stop playing Civilization III. Of course, this is a completely unproductive use of time and - discounting the strange enjoyment the game gives - this could be looked on as a complete waste of time.

Image: Civilization III Box Title
So, in a brief respite from the game, I wanted to look at why this game draws me in so much (I’ve been playing the game on and off for nearly 20 years if you go back to Civilization I, and the hours spent must be in their 1000s!) What is it that Civilization gives me that I don’t get it real life? And could this addiction be turned to more productive purposes?

What Civilization gives me?

Well, firstly it’s the megalomaniac inside me - I’d love to be a mighty leader like Genghis Khan (who admittedly was a bit of a b*****d), wage war on my enemies and destroy them, build the greatest empire the world has ever seen. It’s also the management and micromanagement too, keeps the brain ticking over pleasantly rapidly when you’ve got many balls to juggle, strategy to consider, and whether to go the route of war or peace.

How can Civilization addiction be turned to more productive purposes?

Okay, I don’t want to waste all my time playing Civilization. I want to spend my time productively - my quality of life depends on this. So, perhaps I can point this addiction at something else: Megalomania for knowledge? Build an empire of knowledge? Defeat my rivals in whatever profession I do with dedicated brilliance?

Yes, thet’s build an empire of knowledge, an empire of professional brilliance, thet’s strive to defeat my peers and have them bow down before my astonishing prowess!

The above is of course tongue in cheek, there is a good point to it though. Yes, you can focus that unsleeping energy you poor into Civilization into some real life endeavor. Strive to build a professional empire, a knowledge empire …

A first final point to add:

Civilization addiction is too intense to be truly productive, you’ll be playing until 4 in the morning, until you physically cannot stay awake any longer, and then be back at it a few hours later after the minimum of sleep; it is so important to achieve the right healthy work play life balance!

The final final point:

It’s interesting how people can say they are very busy, when in reality it is they who are keeping themselves busy. It’s surprising how that someone - who’s always very busy - can then find a lot of time to do something very unproductive (take me as an example here - a “busy” professional then blowing an entire weekend playing Civilization). Which leads to the realization that you should always find time for the important things in life; that thing you think keeps you very busy, you’re stressed about because you want to get it done like now, I bet you could give it up for a day and the world won’t come to a crashing halt!
