Not Dopamine Detox - Addicts Anonynous

 So, I did have a go with "Dopamine Detox" methodology, and whilst it worked with some success for a while, this success was not sustainable (for me). I kept (keep) going back to bad habits.

Then it struck me:

"I'm an addict!"

The first step to curing addiction is realizing you are an addict.

I am addicted to:

  • Looking at certain forums on the internet.
  • Looking at my phone for things like - YouTube, News ...
  • Checking emails (personal and work.)
  • Food (and drink) - I really struggle to go for a long time without thinking about food!
  • Thinking about fun things/day-dreaming/fantasizing!
  • Distraction!
"Q: What is addicion?"
"A: Addiction involves craving for something intensely, loss of control over its use, and continuing involvement with it despite adverse consequences. Addiction changes the brain, first by subverting the way it registers pleasure and then by corrupting other normal drives such as learning and motivation."

Okay, so now I know I am addicted, and I accept that I don't want to be addicted to these things (I want to be in control of my life and do what is right, what I should be doing...) what do I do?

For that I think we need to redo our:

New Year's Resolutions for 2022 Part 2 (

To be continued in the next post that I'll call "My Anti-Addict Routine."

I don't want to be an addict!

~~~ Addictions that can fuck off! ~~~

I am not addicted to this forum or that forum!

    Fuck off this forum or that forum!

I am not addicted to my mobile phone!

    Fuck off mobile phone!

I am not addicted to YouTube!

    Fuck off YouTube!

I am not addicted to emails!

    Fuck off emails!

I am not addicted to news!

    Fuck off news!

~~~ Other Things ~~~

I am not addicted to checking my finances!

I am not addicted to masturbation!

I am not addicted to love dolls!

I am not addicted to blogging!

I am not addicted to order!

~~~ Life Things ~~

I am not addicted to food and drink!

I am not addicted to hot showers!

I am not addicted to sleeping (in a lovely warm bed)!

~~~ Life Itself ~~

I am not addicted to possessions!

I am not addicted to myself!

I am not addicted to life!