Why My Dopamine Detox Routine Failed / Life is Meant to be Enjoyed!

My original Dopamine Detox Routine was very ambitious and ultimately failed. It wasn't a complete failure, because - as with all failures - you always learn by failing. I realized that I missed a very important point, perhaps a point I've been missing for some time.

Life is meant to be enjoyed!

Life is very short. You never know when your last day is. So you should endeavour to enjoy every single day.

If you're happy enough with your work that you're not even close to throwing in the towel, absolutely you must enjoy your work - by developing the right attitudes, the right curiosity, the right interest, the right keenness...

"Find the element of fun in whatever you do (it is there)"

One thing 'Dopamine Detox' has taught me, is how important it is to not over indulge in dopamine. Realize when high-dopamine/addictive behaviours are bad for you. Realize what high-dopamine/addictive behaviours you are partaking in, that aren't beneficial.

More Quotes on this Topic

"Life is meant to be enjoyed, not endured." - Anthony J. D'Angelo

"Life is meant to be enjoyed in moderation, not can'ts and cans." - Rylee Claire

"The journey of life is not meant to be feared and planned; it is meant to be travelled and enjoyed."

"It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that makes happiness." - Charles Spurgeon

"You are not born to just work, pay bills, and die!"

Image: Life is meant to be enjoyed, not endured.