My Dopamine Detox Routine

This is my routine developed from watching:

My biggest problems (dopamine addictions) were - in order of most to least impact on my productivity - as follows:

1) Eating too much (like having a tea break every hour).
2) Constantly on: YouTube, Facebook, BBC News, Pistonheads, Emails ... (internet stuff)
3) Computer Games (mostly just Civilization)
4) Pornography and Masturbation (I can't deny it)
5) Getting distracted from work by personal interests.

Whilst you're not wasting time on dopamine addictions, you can do productive things like: work, study, read, meditate/reflect...
Note: I work with computers hence my Saturday/Sunday mornings are computer detox mornings.

My Routine

Note: I generally have Jointace every morning with my workout/breakfast.

Monday to Friday (Workdays)

< 0430: Wake up by 04:30 (earlier if you need to be somewhere)
Fitness: Insanity Workout + 50 bicep curls
Breakfast: Porridge + Protein Drink.
Post-Breakfast: Banana / Bread (with butter and jam) + Yoghurt shot (like Actimel) / Milk shot

Focus on work (no dopamine hits.)
Work emails max 4 times a day (start-of-work, 1100, 1500, end-of-work)
Fitness: A walk at lunchtime is good (just no food)
Food & Drink: Only drink water.

Note i: If you need to do some personal admin which can't be done outside work hours, that's fine.
Note ii: You don't have to be staring at your computer all day, that's not healthy. Taking your eyes away for 5-15 minutes an hour is recommended.

> 1900: Supper Time!
Supper: Meal, Juice Drink
Post-Supper: Bread (with tasty spread) + Tea
Post-Post-Supper: Bowl of cereal / Banana
Anything goes!
Fitness: 50 bicep curls

Note: My weekday meals are simple:
- M/W/F: Fish Fingers.
- Tu/Th: Big bowl of beans.

< 2130: Go to sleep (earlier if you need to be somewhere the next day/later if it's say a Friday)

Saturday/Sunday (non-Vacation)

Note: On say a Sunday you don't need to do fitness (to allow the body to recover for 1 day a week). In which case we also skip the protein drink (have squash/jointace instead.)

< 0630: Wake up by 0630
Fitness: Running (or workout) + 50 bicep curls
Breakfast: Porridge + Protein Drink.

Main rule is you need to detox from computers and internet in the morning (NO computer + NO internet!)
No dopamine addictions except personal interests (i.e. no 1,2,3,4 above).
Food & Drink: Only drink water.

1200 to 1400: Light Lunch
Light-Lunch: Salad + Juice + Yoghurt shot (like Actimel)
Extra: Bread (with butter and jam) + Tea

Anything goes - ideally something productive! (Can even do work if you want/need to.)
Food & Drink: Only drink water.

> 1900: Supper Time!
Supper: Meal, Juice Drink
Post-Supper: Bread (with tasty spread) + Tea
Post-Post-Supper: Bowl of cereal / Banana
Anything goes!
Fitness: 50 bicep curls

< 2130: Go to sleep (earlier if you need to be somewhere the next day/later if it's say a Saturday)

Vacation (not a work day and away from home)

Anything goes!

The End!

One thing I have noticed about making dopamine detox a part of your life, is that even when you have 'Anything goes!' time, you're not as addicted to your dopamine addictions as before. You'll find you get 'Anything goes!' time and not want to do the unproductive high-dopamine short-term fix stuff, instead you will do productive things.