My Dopamine Detox Routine - Version 2

Continuing on from My Dopamine Detox Routine... Well, "life is not a destination but a journey". The 'Dopamine Detox Routine' was going well until:

1) I got highly stressed (and desperate for comfort food)
2) I injured my knee.
3) I realized that I'm being too tough on myself.

That's life. Things change. Things don't always go to plan. You need to evolve your plan. So what follows is my dopamine detox routine version 2.

Dopamine detox is important. For me dopamine detox means:

Dopamine Sins:
- No comfort food/drink.
- No self-indulgent web surfing (YouTube, Facebook, BBC News, Pistonheads...)
- No computer games (for me that's essentially - no Civilization)
- No pornography and masturbation.
- Minimal emails (i.e. leave personal emails alone. Work emails - open your email client, answer emails, then close your email client for a couple of hours so you can get some work done!)

Embrace the boredom. Don't get distracted by unproductive thoughts, day-dreams and self-indulgent fantasies.

Note i: Music is fine. It can relax you and help you to think (more productive - which is really what this is all about!)
Note ii: If you need to do something, do it. It's okay to be a little flexible with your routine. Essentially, it is a framework to make you more productive.
Note iii: Everyday after 1800 is "anything goes" time. Whilst I have tried to recommend a post 1800 diet, it's your time, so if you want to eat more, it is up to you. Try to stick with the dietary regime, but it's no failure to indulge your passion for food after 1800.


- Monday to Friday (Workdays)
- Saturday/Bank Holiday
- Sunday
- Vacation

Monday to Friday (Workdays)

0415: Lights-on
....: Insanity Workout & Glucosamine drink
....: [Breakfast] Cereal & Protein Drink
....: (Optional) Banana &/OR Yoghurt
....: (Optional) Bread with Jam & Tea
....: 55 bicep curls -> Shower
0645: Ready to start work/leave for work
....: ** DD - work & water **
1100: (Optional) Bread with Spread & Tea
....: ** DD - work & water **
1500: (Optional) Bread with Jam & Tea
....: ** DD - work & water **
1800: [Supper] Meal & Juice
....: (Optional) Bread with Spread & Tea
....: (Optional) Cereal &/OR Banana &/OR Yoghurt
....: ** ANYTHING GOES! **
....: 55 bicep curls
2145: Lights-off (2345 if tomorrow is a holiday)

If you're unwell and cannot do the Insanity Workout (either for physical or mental fitness reasons), the only change is before 0645.

0515: Lights-on
....: [Breakfast] Cereal & Glucosamine drink
....: (Optional) Banana &/OR Yoghurt
....: (Optional) Bread with Jam & Tea
....: 55 bicep curls
....: (Optional) Shower

Note: My weekday meals are simple:
- M/W/F: Fish Fingers.
- Tu/Th: Big bowl of beans.

Saturday/Bank Holiday

0615: Lights-on
....: Running/Insanity Workout & Glucosamine drink
....: [Breakfast] Cereal & Protein Drink
....: (Optional) Banana &/OR Yoghurt
....: 55 bicep curls -> Shower
....: ** Computer/Internet/VDU Detox Morning **
1200: [Lunch] Salad & Juice
....: (Optional) Bread with Jam & Tea
....: ** ANYTHING GOES! **
1800: [Supper] Meal & Juice
....: (Optional) Bread with Spread & Tea
....: (Optional) Cereal &/OR Banana &/OR Yoghurt
....: ** ANYTHING GOES! **
....: 55 bicep curls
2345: Lights-off (2145 if tomorrow is a workday)

If you're unwell and cannot do the Insanity Workout (either for physical or mental fitness reasons), the only change is before the 'Computer/Internet/VDU Detox Morning'.

0645: Lights-on
....: [Breakfast] Cereal & Glucosamine drink
....: (Optional) Banana &/OR Yoghurt
....: 55 bicep curls
....: (Optional) Shower

Note: The idea of the 'Computer/Internet/VDU Detox Morning' comes from my working with computers. I think it's important to have a little time away from Computer/Internet/VDU. You can use this time to do stuff around the house (i.e. mow the lawn, fix the fence), go for a drive, clean your car, go shopping, reading ... whatever does not involve Computer/Internet/VDU and isn't included in my list of dopamine sins. If you are struggling to find productive things to do (i.e. it's a wet day so can't do anything outside) and there are pressing and productive things that you want to do on computers (perhaps it's even catching up/getting ahead on work), it's fine to use your computer.


0645: Lights-on
....: [Breakfast] Cereal & Glucosamine drink
....: (Optional) Banana &/OR Yoghurt
....: (Optional) Shower
....: ** Computer/Internet/VDU Detox Morning **
1200: [Lunch] Salad & Juice
....: (Optional) Bread with Jam & Tea
....: ** ANYTHING GOES! **
1800: [Supper] Meal & Juice
....: (Optional) Bread with Spread & Tea
....: (Optional) Cereal &/OR Banana &/OR Yoghurt
....: ** ANYTHING GOES! **
2145: Lights-off (2345 if tomorrow is a holiday)


....: ** ANYTHING GOES! **