My financial stratagem:
- Monthly income after taxes (net) = N
- Monthly known expenses* = K
- Monthly surplus = S
- Portion amount = P
- Emergency Account desired amount** = E
*Monthly direct debits (mortgage, council tax, road tax, credit cards) etcetera...
** The amount you desire to have in your Emergency Account. Say 3 to 5 or more months worth of expenses.
** The amount you desire to have in your Emergency Account. Say 3 to 5 or more months worth of expenses.
- Current Account
- Emergency Account
- Mortgage Account
- Other Account (for holidays, car upgrades ... anything really, even the other accounts)
- Investment Account
- Gold Investing Account
Financial Stratagem to Enact on Pay Day!
- Firstly, calculate how much you'll have at the end of the month having paid all your expenses (i.e. having paid off K):
- Plan to have K left in your bank account at the end of the month. Reason: If for whatever reason you salary didn't come in at the end of 1 month or was delayed you can run fine for another month without needed to access emergency funds.
- Whatever is surplus we can use below.
- Split the surplus in multiples of P, in this order:
- Emergency Account (until it is >= E)
- Overpay mortgage (unless at max overpay)
- Other Account
- Investment Account (not whilst paying into 1)
- Gold Investing Account (not whilst paying into 1)
- Monthly income after taxes (net) N = £4000
- Monthly known expenses* K = £2000
- Monthly surplus S = £2000
- Portion amount P = £100 (20 portions of £100)
- Emergency Account desired amount E = £10000
You should be planning to have £2000 in your current account at the end of the month.
£4000 is your income after taxes, out of that comes you monthly known expenses (£2000) which leaves you a £2000 surplus at the end of the month, or 20 portions of £100.
If the Emergency Account is less than £10000, then the 20 splits go like this:
Emergency Account + £700
Overpay Mortgage + £700
Other Account + £600
If the mortgage is already at maximum overpay:
Emergency Account + £1000
Other Account + £1000
If the Emergency Account is >= £10000, then:
Overpay Mortgage + £500
Other Account + £500
Investment Account + £500
Gold Investing Account + £500