When I am a burden to society, please God may I have the strength to kill myself!
Currently, I'm have two very old parents (mother 88, father 91) who are coming to the end of their lives. My mother is in a care home and she's in a very sorry state. Now effectively a vegetable. She cannot walk, cannot get herself out of a seat, needs help to take her to the toilet - cannot even wipe her own ass, needs help eating - is like a baby, mostly just sleeps all day long, needs help washing herself, and needs help going to bed. Mentally there is very little there.
My father is not yet in a care home, but he's old and easily confused. He still seems relative sharp mentally, but he's reaching a point where he wants to be looked after for the rest of this life until he dies (he wants someone to feed him and wipe his ass).
Myself, the whole situation disgusts me. How could they let themselves get into such a state!? What self-respecting person wants to be looked after for the rest of their life!? What self-respecting person doesn't care they are a burden to others!? What self-respecting person takes value but gives no value back!?
When I am nearing the state of uselessness, I don't want any resources wasted on me. I don't want someone wiping my arse. I don't want looking after. When I can no longer be independent and take care of myself, please God give may I have the strength to kill myself and no longer be a burden to society.
Q: How much money and resource is wasted on decrepit old people who can no longer take care of themselves (like a baby)!?
Q: Why aren't we educated from birth that the only noble way to go out, is to go out before you become a burden to others!?
When I Am A Burden, May I Die With Honour and Not Like a Baby Who Cannot Even Wipe It's Own Ass!
The above is just my thoughts and I wish more people thought the same. To kill yourself before you become a useless waste-of-space piece of rotting old flesh, is a noble thing.