The titular question is something I have been thinking about a lot recently.
I realize I have been wasting my time with a lot of stuff I definitely would not say "I wish I'd done more of that..." on my deathbed.
- No one ever wished they'd done more social media on their deathbed.
- No one ever wished they'd spent more time watching YouTube/TV on their deathbed.
- No one ever wished they'd saved more money on their deathbed (you can't take it with you.)
Here are 5 common regrets:
- “I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.”
- “I wish I didn’t work so hard.”
- “I wish I’d had the courage to express my feelings.”
- “I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends.”
- “I wish that I had let myself be happier.”
Honestly, I don't want to be in a situation where I need people to look after me when I'm old. I want to be dead before that happens. I would never expect people to look after me like so many old and - sorry to say but it is true - useless waste of space and burdensome people do.
Q: Let's say I'm 50 now and I can realistically expect to live to 75 in good health. So I'll euthanise at 75 so I'm not a burden to others. What do I do with those 25 years so as not to have any regrets before I'm euthanised (or top myself)?
A1: Do less:
- Social media (say one visit a day after 1800 to forums, Instagram, Discord etcetera...)
- YouTube (say one visit a day for no more than 30 minutes after 1800)
- Wasting money on stuff you don't need!
A2: Do more:
- IT Blogging (be passionate about IT blogging)
- Getting stuff done (don't procastinate - do it!)
- Making the best of and appreciating what you have!
To be continued...