Whenever law enforcement says, "You have broken The Law" they are talking absolute rubbish.
There is no such thing as "The Law." There is a law that is created by humans and far from perfect. But there is no "The Law." The only way there could be "The Law" is if it was created by God. The only "The Law"s we have are the laws of nature.
This thought came into my head because of something I had purchased from China. Yes, if caught, law enforcement would say "You have broken The Law" and no doubt they would throw the book at me, but there is no victim to my having broken the laws they are enforcing. If there is no victim how can there be a crime!?
I think the best rule of life (law) is:
"Don't do unto others what you don't want done unto you." - Confucius
The reality with a lot of police enforcement these days, is that they are creating victims. People who have done no harm to anyone, and never would do harm to anyone, they are ruining these peoples' lives for nothing laws. Victimizing people. Persecuting people. And this persecution of people - who are doing no harm and simply liking what they like - must stop. People cannot help what they like. The true criminals are the police themselves!