Goals: Long-Term Goals & High Quality Attention

Long-Term Goals

Long term goals has always been a challenge for me. I think it's always in the back of my mind that I might die tomorrow, so why create long term goals!?

I asked google the question below and got a pretty good response from Quora. See the response in the Appendix.

"Q: Why work on long term goals if you might die tomorrow?"

Your ultimate long-term goal must be to die with class / to die with style. We are all going to die some day, our ultimate end.

Of the 5 answers to the above question, the answer I liked the most was probably the most simple:

  • Uncertainty about lifespan: While one may feel they could die tomorrow, the reality is that most people live well beyond that. Pursuing long-term goals provides an insurance policy against living a longer life than expected.

Long-term goals can be hard to plan, because the future is very unpredictable. You might want to be the best in your field, then a few years down the line your field becomes irrelevant (perhaps replaced by AI). I think the best approach is to focus on achievable and real goals - like certifications or qualifications for instance - and take each day as it comes.

Have goals but no long-term goal!

And what might my goals be?

  • Simplify my life
    • Reduce my possessions (i.e. only 1 car, less dolls)
    • Reduce my consumption (i.e. buy less crap)
    • Reduce my distractions (i.e. waste less time on crap)
  • Build security (because you never know when you might hit hard times):
    • Savings & Investments
    • Gold
  • Pay off the mortgage
  • Be a good husband and father in-law
    • Bring the wife to the UK to visit.
      • A future idea - live in Thailand and no longer pay UK tax.
  • Be serious about your fitness (healthy body + healthy mind = healthy life)
    • Running, weights, press-ups, sit-ups , stretches, etc.
  • Qualifications:
    • Qualified in RedHat automation
    • Qualified in N***** products
  • Try to be the best that I can be in my current profession.
    • And when I get made redundant for my current job, become a lorry driver?
      • Then do Open University type degrees*
  • Be prepared for the end (i.e. sort your will and get your house/life in order).
*Constant learning is good. It broadens your horizon and gives you new perspectives.

High-Quality Attention

High-quality attention has also been a challenge for me. Too many distractions. I need to tune out the distractions and be more focused. I need to nail that routine!

There are several reasons why it can still be worthwhile to work on long-term goals, even if one might die tomorrow:

  1. Legacy and impact: By working towards long-term goals, one has the opportunity to create something that outlasts them and leaves a lasting positive impact on the world. This can provide a sense of purpose and meaning, even in the face of one's own mortality.
  2. Personal growth and fulfillment: The process of working towards long-term goals can be deeply rewarding and help an individual grow, learn, and develop new skills and capabilities. This personal growth can be valuable regardless of how long one lives.
  3. Motivation and hope: Having long-term goals can provide a sense of direction and motivation that makes life feel more meaningful and worthwhile, even in the face of uncertainty about one's lifespan.
  4. Benefiting others: Many long-term goals, such as curing diseases, developing renewable energy, or advancing scientific knowledge, are ultimately aimed at benefiting humanity as a whole. Working towards these goals can create positive impacts that outlive the individual.
  5. Uncertainty about lifespan: While one may feel they could die tomorrow, the reality is that most people live well beyond that. Pursuing long-term goals provides an insurance policy against living a longer life than expected.

Ultimately, the pursuit of long-term goals can bring a richness and sense of purpose to one's life, regardless of the uncertainty around lifespan. It's about striving to make a positive difference that extends beyond one's own lifetime.