The Art of Not Caring / Only Caring About What is In-front of You

The excellent book "The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck" could have been entitled "The Subtle Art of Not Caring" (and yes, there is a book with that title). I think I like the latter name, the word 'Fuck' is trashy.

I've come to the conclusion that I care about way too much. And, even worse, I care about other things when I'm doing things I need to do, so I get distracted. And yes, I care about stuff that isn't really worth caring about (like that umpteenth game of Civilization 3 that I've been playing on and off for like 20 years ... and I hardly ever finish the game.)

So, this is my new rule going forward:

I only care about what is in-front of me.
I do not care about everything else.

In other words, I only care about the current task I am doing, which might be my work. And I only care about that until time comes when I decide to do something else (and then I care about that other thing and don't give a **** about what I was doing before.)

Really, it is very simple. Not caring saves you from distraction, saves you from wasted brain cycles, and allows you to be more productive. You don't care about anything else but the thing you are doing, whilst you are doing it.