Thailand 2024.02: What Have I Learnt!? Am I Better than Before!?

1) Personality Over Appearance

Whilst I was initially very depressed at my wife's fat appearance. She is still the same person. She is still a nice person. Not perfect (but who is). She is lazy (so am I). But she certainly seems genuine. And finding genuine people in this world is difficult. I try to hate her so I can finish with her, but the hate never comes. I cannot bring myself to hate her, so I cannot bring myself to finish with her. I will be back (hopefully when she's lost some weight.)

2) Married Couples Sleeping in Different Rooms

I totally get it now. Sleeping with the wife was very difficult on account of her snoring (also her being fat and not sexually attractive does not help either). Different beds and even different rooms would have been more optimal.

3) Agogo girls can say "no"

I already knew this but had never experienced it. It may be the final nail in the coffin for my patronage of Agogo bars. I've not been feeling them for a long time. Very few attractive girls in Agogos these days. Expensive. Boring. Really, nothing special at all. And if the rare attractive girls can't be taken out the bar, then Agogos become totally pointless.

4) I appreciate love dolls even more

I was trying to sleep with my fat snoring wife and thinking about one of my love dolls in particular. Love dolls are great. Beautiful and sexy. Cuddly. And they don't make any noise (they won't disturb your sleep.) I missed my love dolls a lot.

5) Returning Home I Realized I Have It Great with Love Dolls

When I returned home, I realized I had been missing my love dolls so much. I had a really good nights sleep with one of my favourite love dolls. And a great morning too 😊.

6) I Don't Need Thailand

I certainly don't need Thailand. All these precious Thai ladies who think they are so special and desirable, they are all trumped by love dolls. I actually like the African ladies more. If I had to choose between "love dolls or Thai ladies" it would be a very easy choice - love dolls every time! If I had to choose between "love dolls or wife" it would be love dolls!

7) I Had A Pretty Decent Holiday

I went running 9 times, twice in Bangkok, 7 times in Pattaya. I had great food. I stayed in good hotels. I caught a little sun. I went to the Cinema 3 times and watched other movies on DVD and in-flight. I relaxed in my room listening to music. And I had some company. I would return to Thailand.

8) Do I Need To See The Wife!?

Whilst I certainly don't need the wife. And I don't get much out of her presence when we holiday together, I do get a little something. Seeing as I am an unsociable loner, finding someone whose company I can tolerate is something rare. I felt like 8 nights and 7 days together was too much. Next time, instead of 2-8-2 (Bangkok-Pattaya-Bangkok), perhaps 3-6-3. Or, just going to Thailand and not seeing the wife!? (Honestly, I think this is decided now, the wife is a part of my life and I cannot / do not want to shake her. Next time I go to Thailand I will see the wife)

9) Ever Coming to the UK

I have no great motivation to invite the wife back to the UK. I like my life the way it is. Perhaps this will change one day. We'll review in the future (like 2025.)

10) Next time!?

I'm going with a 3-6-3 (3 nights in Bangkok, 6 in Pattaya, 3 nights in Bangkok.)

[BOOKED] Flight: OUT: 18 Dec 21:20 (land 19 Dec 15:45), RTN: 31 Dec 13:00 (land 31 Dec  19:20)

[BOOKED] 19 - 22 December in Bangkok
[BOOKED] 22 - 28 December in Pattaya @ Sandy Spring Hotel
[BOOKED] 28 - 31 December in Bangkok

I'll be able to run Lumphini 4 times (20,21,29,30) and Pattaya 5 times (23,24,25,26,27).

Flights and Hotel all booked. Pretty expensive that time of year. A good £2500 just for flight and hotels.

Pictures from Thailand 2024 February/March