Seeking Fulfillment

  1.  What is important in your life?
    • Create a list of values and beliefs.
  2. What do you want/need to focus on?
    • What are your distractions (causing you to lose focus)?
  3. Your career:
    • Is your job taking a toll on your health and relationships?
    • Does your current position line up with who you are?
    • Will your current job help you accomplish your long term goals?
    • Does your job give you enough flexibility and freedom?
    • Do you already feel like you've mentally checked out?
  4. Fulfilling your potential.
    • What are your strengths?
    • Who are you (let your authentic self shine)?
  5. Are you feeling fulfilled/happy in your relationships?
  6. Finding your sense of purpose:
    • What/how do you want to contribute to mankind (going beyond yourself)?
    • What are your unique gifts and the things you love?
    • What is your role and what do you have to offer to other people?
  7. Live authentically and don't chase other people's dreams - realize your dreams:
    • Actively figure out who you are in order to stop feeling unfulfilled.
  8. Don't ignore your inner wisdom, what is it telling you?
  9. How do we want to be challenged / what challenges would we like?

My Take

TBC in a separate post.