A Life Unfulfilled?

This seemed like a decent read:

11 Reasons You Are Feeling Unfulfilled And What to Do About It

  1. You don't know what's important.
    • Create a list of values and beliefs.
  2. Lack of focus.
  3. You're feeling unfulfilled in the wrong career.
    • Is your job taking a toll on your health and relationships?
    • Does your current position line up with who you are?
    • Will your current job help you accomplish your long term goals?
    • Does your job give you enough flexibility and freedom?
    • Do you already feel like you've mentally checked out?
  4. Unfulfilled potential.
    • Focus on developing your strengths, no eliminating your weaknesses.
    • Embrace who you are - and let your authentic self shine.
  5. Feeling unfulfilled in relationships.
  6. Lost your sense of purpose.
    • We each have an innate need for purpose - a feeling that you know who you are and that you contribute to something bigger than yourself.
    • Tap into your unique gifts and the things you love. At the same time, you need to recognize your role and what you have to offer to other people.
  7. You aren't living authentically.
    • Don't chase other people's dreams.
    • You have to actively figure out who you are in order to stop feeling unfulfilled.
  8. Ignoring your inner wisdom.
  9. Not challenging yourself.
  10. Afraid of making mistakes.
  11. You feel helpless to change.
People are filling their lives with distractions (like social media) to keep their mind away from the "ultimate" questions.

My Take

I highlighted a few things above.

1) Yes, I feel a bit like I've mentally checked out of my work. Something is not right with my work. Maybe it's a feeling that I'm just not special anymore (was I ever.) I'm just one in a team of 15 or so fairly equal people (at least in the eyes of management.) And no matter what I do, I don't have the belief I can change this situation. Also, the work I could be doing that I'd enjoy, seems to be passing me by and going to colleagues. My manager makes up a good game of "you're going to be involved in this exciting thing" but more and more it seems like a lie. It's a crappy job and he knows it, but he's trying to get me to do it (and I'm paid well so I cannot really complain). And so much of my work seems kind-of shitty and unchallenging. I need to find that special feeling again. I need to find the special level. I need to find challenge.

2) Because of my overwhelming sense of unfulfillment, I am filling my life with pointless distractions - Discord, Forums, Instagram, YouTube, porn ....

I have thought about all those things I would have loved to be in a past life - NASA engineer, F1 aeronautical engineer, Physics/Mathematics Professor - all those things have past me by. Who knows, perhaps if I had been any of those things I may have felt unfulfilled too. Still better to be doing something you are passionate about, that doing the bare minimum so you don't get sacked (which is what I feel that I am doing now).