Do Everything with (in) Love

I was doing some driving over the weekend. It was a 5 hour round trip (2.5 hours either way) so plenty of time for thought. And one thought that occurred was:

Do everything with love!

It came about because I was having doubts about my vocation. Wondering:

  • What cause am I really serving!? Just lining my own pockets!?
  • Who is benefitting from my work!? No-one!? What is the value of my existence!?
  • Should I not be doing something worthwhile and good with my life, and not simply working for a monthly pay packet!?
  • Do I need to change my current vocation/employment!?
Then I realized that the best I can do is:

Do everything with love!
  • Do my work with love!
  • Do my studying with love (be constantly learning, else go backwards)!
  • Think about my future with love! And pursue new opportunities with love!
  • Treat the people in my life with love!
  • Treat every situation with love!
  • Fill my heart with love!