The Internet is Not Real Life

The internet is not real life!

Q: Why?

A: Because you can turn it off and go out into the real world for a walk.

The internet can certainly feel real, people certainly take it very seriously, but - unlike real life - you can simply turn it off. And this is really what we should do. Turn off the internet unless you have some productive purpose for needing to be on it.

Q: Why are you binge watching endless repetitive stuff on YouTube?

Q: Why are you constantly checking Instagram for likes?

Q: Why do you keep visiting that internet forum?

The answer to all the above is internet addiction. The internet is horrifically addictive and that's why a lot of people lose touch with reality and believe the internet is life, but it isn't.

Please. Reclaim you life. Switch off the internet and experience the real world!

No reason to be on the internet, unless it is for business!?

Q: What did we do before mobile phones and the internet!?
A: Appreciated the real world and tangible things (like a proper book.)
  • Switch the internet off and enjoy the real world.
  • Switch the fondleslab off and find something else to do with your hands.
  • Switch the music off and enjoy the sound of silence
  • Switch the credit card off and make the best of what you have, no longer lusting after the next product.
  • Switch off the toys - it's great to have fun but not all the time, you must take life seriously or you will have a serious life!
  • Switch off the cake - eat healthily and in moderation, don't stuff yourself with food you don't need!
  • Switch off the alcohol - moderation is okay.
Remember, nothing is permanent. Those social media clubs you feel so much a part of, you can switch them off just as fast as they can switch you off!

Switch the internet off
Switch the fondleslab off
Switch the music off
Switch the credit card off
Switch the toys off
Switch the cake off
Switch the alcohol off