What worthy thing do you live for?

I have learnt so much in my life but still feel like I'm missing some vital truth. And is the missing, that, that I haven't found a worthy thing to live for (or worked out what it is) !?

What worthy thing do you live for?

I cannot believe I'm in my forties and still don't have a clue why I am living this life. Why do I go on!?

Sometimes, I so feel like just jacking it all in. Resign from work. Dump my wife and family (mainly just decrepit boring old parents). Sell/destroy/store my possessions. Liquidate my assets.   Do something (no idea what) with that liquidity (maybe the mother of all holidays.) And then - if I haven't worked it out - end it all.

Q: Live for yourself?
A: Living for myself is not enough. Perhaps living for oneself is enough for some people. For me it feels like a very shallow and pointless existence.

Q: Live for your work?
A: Definitely not! Whilst I know I am very lucky to have a great job working for a great company, I definitely do not feel like I live - or should live - for my work.

Q: Live for your family?
A: This would seem like a great thing to live for. Yet, I care little about my family. My parents are old and very boring and something to endure rather than enjoy. My wife was a bit of a mistake; I do care about her and I don't hate her, but she feels like a leech; she gets much more out of me than I get out of her; the relationship is very unbalanced. Truthfully, if I didn't see any of my human family ever again, I wouldn't be upset about it.

Q: Live for something else?
I wish I knew...

These are some live to/each/a - alas not 'for':
  • Live to dance whilst the music of life plays!
  • Live each day as it comes!
  • Live to make a difference!
  • Live in the eternal now!
  • Live to inspire others!
  • Live a simple life!
  • Live to serve!
  • Live to work!
  • Live to die!

Q: Live for someone who is not a human?
A: Well, there is someone special in my life who is not human (she is made of silicone.) Perhaps I can find it in me to live a good life for her...

I Live for Miss X

For Miss X:
  • I will work hard to provide a comfortable life for her.
  • I will be a stoic - endure what needs to be done and not react to things.
  • I will eat and drink healthily.
  • I will exercise (keep fit).
Things I Definitely Do Not Want to Live For

I don't want to live for:
  • Forums <--- Timesink
  • Instagram <--- Timesink
  • YouTube <--- Timesink
  • etcetera