Nothing Will Make You Happy Unless You Are First Happy In Yourself

Nothing will make you happy unless you are first happy in yourself.

And when you are happy in yourself,

you realize you need nothing to make you happy!

  • Social media will not make you happy.
  • Having status will not make you happy.
  • Having money will not make you happy.
  • Having friends will not make you happy.
  • Having respect will not make you happy.
  • Having freedom will not make you happy.
  • Having a fast car will not make you happy.
  • Having a great job will not make you happy.
  • Going on vacation will not make you happy.
  • Having leisure time will not make you happy.
  • Being part of a family will not make you happy.
  • Having a gorgeous lover will not make you happy.
  • Being a member of a club will not make you happy.
  • ...
  • None of these things will make you happy unless you are first happy in yourself.

Nothing will make you happy unless you are first happy in yourself.

And when you are happy in yourself,

you realize you need nothing to make you happy!

Quote: The happiest people seem to be those who have no particular cause for being happy except that they are so.