Why a Daily Routine is So Important

 Something I've known about for a while, but not really taken on board and practised in my life is the "Importance of a Daily Routine." I have dabbled in Dopamine Detox but, alas, my willpower has not really been strong enough to maintain it.

I'm very close to my 45th birthday, and think I need to make a plan for the next 5 years. What do I want to achieve in the next 5 years?

  • Become the best at my job possible?
  • Have paid of the mortgage?
  • Aim to retire at 50? Or find a new career/business that I am super passionate about (and happy to do every day until I die)?

The first thing though, is to get into a routine, be disciplined, don't squander precious time (even though time is meant to be wasted, that doesn't mean it has to be wasted unproductively...).

Which leads me on to this blog post -

18 Reasons Why a Daily Routine Is So Important - (skilledatlife.com)

- and the 18 reasons are summarized below:

  1. Makes us more efficient.
  2. Reduces our need to plan.
  3. Creates structure in our lives.
  4. Saves time - our most valuable resource.
  5. Instills good habits.
  6. Breaks bad habits.
  7. Helps us become more proficient.
  8. Helps us get the more important tasks done.
  9. Prioritization.
  10. Reduces the need for determination and willpower.
  11. Reduces procrastination.
  12. Builds momentum.
  13. Builds self confidence.
  14. Saves us money.
  15. Helps reduce stress and facilitate relaxation.
  16. Frees up our time.
  17. Helps us achieve our goals.
  18. Keeping track of our success.