Follow your passion and success will follow you!?

Is the titular saying a good one?

In language we come across many sayings, that sound very good on the surface, but when you start to dig a bit deeper into the meaning, they start to lose their gloss.

It is a very fine thing to be able to follow your passion, if you have good productive passions that you would like to follow. If your only passions are for drunken orgy filled debauchery, well, that is not going to lead to success. If you only passion is for sweet foods and stuffing your face until you are sick, well, that is not going to lead to success.

If your only passion is for high octane sportscars, and you blow every last penny of your hard earned cash on them, and end up penniless, well, that is not success. But if your passion involved restoring such sportscars - buy them cheap and sell them for much more when restored – that would be success.

Realistically, I don't see how this saying is particularly useful to most people. I can see how it would work with an entrepreneur who has a great business idea they are passionate about, and goes out and makes a success of it. Or someone with a fantastic talent for something they are passionate about, and goes forth with this talent and makes a success of it.

Alas, most people are not engineered to be an entrepreneur, and very few people have some super valuable talent that they can turn into a great success. Really, for most people:

Follow your passion - in productive endeavours - and success may follow you!

If you don't have any passion in a 'productive endeavours' sense, it doesn't matter.

People who live for the future never get there.” - Alan Watts