Q: If You Were Free to Do What You Really Wanted, What Would You Do?

For one, I would not be staring at a computer screen!

Questions often lead to other questions. The titular question makes me ask:

Q: Why are you not free to do what you really want to do? What is stopping you?

And when you ask that question, you realize, that in the here-and-now, you are actually doing absolutely what you want to do!

The answer is much different if you ask this question:

Q: If you had all the financial resources at your finger tips, to enable you to do whatever you wanted to do, what would you do?

Still struggling to answer?

Of course, if you had money, you would give up those duties you do essentially just to make money (unless you absolutely love doing those things). You would give up working for money. But all this, “I would buy this and that”, you realize that, if acquiring possessions is your only vision for the future, you will never be happy, because you will never have enough money, there will always be the next thing.

Q: So you've given up work, what next? What's going to fill the emptiness left behind by no longer having a purpose?

Really, you need to have a good hard think...

Q: What would I do?

Firstly, I'd go a visit my wife who's many thousands of miles away in another country. Sort out the visa process and bring her home with me. And we'd enjoy living a simple life together.

Then, I'd do what's always seemed like a dream. I'd buy myself a house (not crazy big, just sensible) with a double garage, and my hobby/work would be restoring cars. Ideally, I would work on restoring Lotus cars. Who knows, if I was any good, it might make me a little money too (not that I'd need it, not that money is the purpose). Live a simple life. Go on fantastic road trips.

Then, I've always fancied teaching in some way. I would like to gain more knowledge of 'Alan Watts' and teach young people stuff I wish I'd known when I was young. I would happily teach mathematics, physics, chemistry, philosophy, English (to people who English is not their first language).

And maybe I would learn some languages too. My wife's native tongue first, then take it from there.

Of course, I would keep fit. Go running perhaps every day. Eat well. Drink well. Die well.

Image: If you really want do do something, you'll find a way. If you don't, you'll find an excuse.