If You Don't Find A Way To Make Money While You Sleep...

This really is something that all children should learn at school:

"If you don't find a way to make money while you sleep, you'll work until you die."

I only came across this very recently (I could have heard it in the past and just not assimilated the information), and wish I had come across this bit of wisdom when I was a lot younger. I am now mid-forties.

My beliefs currently include:

  • Money is not real. Money only has value because their is common agreement that it can be exchanged for services or material.
  • Life is essentially very silly. Life is a dance. Survival does not need to happen. You were dead once and you will be dead again.
Another great bit of wisdom from Alan Watts:

"Sensible people get paid for playing."

And something else - that ties with the above quotes - from Robert Kiyosaki:

"Don't work for money, work for knowledge."

I kind of realize that I've had this whole life thing wrong from early on in life. Been way to serious about life (from the previous post "Angel's fly because the take themselves lightly"). And I've completely neglected to get my money working for me.

I've earned a reasonable sum of money in my lifetime - probably over £1million - but that has mostly been squandered. Yes, I need to find a way to make my money work for me whilst I'm sleeping. And not have money work against me (loans for silly things - there are good loans too, loans that make you money.)

I realize the times when I've most enjoyed my work, it has felt like playing. All work should be fun, even mundane work can be made to be fun.

3 things to do off of this post:
  • Make money whilst you sleep.
  • Don't work for money, work for knowledge.
  • Get paid for playing.