Q: Ask yourself: Is this thing I’m doing helpful to me or others?

I’ve wasted a lot of time in my life, doing things that are neither helpful to me or to others. If I think about the biggest wastes of my time:

  • Civilization and other computer games (but mostly Civilization)
  • YouTube and other internet media (mostly YouTube, also Facebook, Pistonheads, Autotrader...)

 Addictions are not helpful. I’d regard Civilization and YouTube as unproductive addictions - nothing good comes out of them.

You must always keep this question in the back of your mind:

Q: Is this thing I’m doing helpful to me or others?

I like helping others. Really, this is the best part of working in Information Technology (IT). Okay, IT is not like being a Doctor, but it is great to help people/colleagues/customers with their IT problems. This has to be the most rewarding part of my job, when I feel like I have truly helped someone.

 Remember how good it feels to help (people/colleagues/customers.)

 The majority of your time should be freely* devoted to helping yourself/others.

 *Freely = not forced. This is your own free will. You want to help yourself and others.

Some examples of helping:

  • Helping customers of your work (i.e. solving problems/coming up with solutions.)
  • Helping yourself with learning and education.
  • Helping your fitness by eating healthily and doing exercise.
  • Experiences (like walking/adventures/vacations) are helpful to the spirit.
  • Helping other people by sharing stuff on a blog!

Why do I do IT? To help others!

Q: Ask yourself: How can I help?