Television, Internet and Mobile Devices is turning us into Morons!

"Television, Internet and Mobile Devices is turning us into Morons!"

I've come to this realization rather late, perhaps because I have been turned into a moron already by years of television/internet/mobile abuse.

I don't want to be a moron thank you very much!

I'm passionate that I don't want to be a moron.

Q: My lack of concentration?
A: Because television/internet/mobiles are turning me into a moron. It's too hard to think, too hard to concentrate, so we indulge in moronic behaviour. So easy to watch some rubbish on YouTube. So easy to scroll through Facebook. So easy to browse for crap on the internet. Television/internet/mobile gives an instant fix of occupying our lazy moronic minds.

Q: No television/internet/mobile ever again?
A: In all honesty, that wouldn't be a bad thing. Still, I believe life should be enjoyed in moderation. So if there's something on the television/internet/mobile that you really like and that you really get value out of, a little television/internet/mobile is fine (moderation).

Television makes you moronic (except in moderation).
Internet makes you moronic (except in moderation).
iPhone/SmartPhone makes you moronic (except in moderation).
iPad/Tablet makes you moronic (except in moderation).

Detox from television/internet/mobile every day!*
And do something healthy instead like work/study/read!

*Non-work related internet/mobile that is.

No More Moron!

Image: You Sir Are A(n Internet) Moron!