Are you an Effective Human Being?

If you've been following this blog (which would be quite miraculous - judging by the stats), you'll realize that I have been struggling for years to understand how to make myself an effective human being. And I have been failing miserably.

Arguably, the title should ask "Are you an Effective Team?" but that sounds like a line from the movie Oblivion. Really, as individuals, we are still a team, a team of heart and mind. To be an effective human being, you need to be an effective team with heart and mind working together to successfully achieve shared goals. It is all too easy to give into the hearts desires.

Maybe, this way of framing things -

It would be good if ...

- is the answer. It's not telling you to do something, it's just gently suggesting "it would be good if". Framing things this way perhaps finally will allow me to be an effective human being.

My examples:

It would be good if ...

... I was an effective human being!
... I enjoy a simple life: sleep, fitness, work*, read** and repeat!

*Work work and personal work.
**Read/study (acquire knowledge/learn).

... I wake up at 4am every day to do my fitness***!

***And in bed by 10pm everyday.

... I (only) drink water in between meals!
... I only spend money on Mondays and Thursdays****!

****Except if you're on vacation or out-and-about (i.e. visiting family).

It would be good if I never ... ever again!

... indulge in frivolous thoughts ...
... (frivolously) use the internet ...
... (frivolously) fondle a mobile device ...
... (frivolously) watch television ...
... procrastinate ...

... fritter money away ...
... have a loan/debt ...
... sell a car ...

... get stressed about anything ...
... worry about anything ...
... fear anything ... *****

**** Especially: '... never fear work ever again ...' and '... never fear time again...'
(“…just as darkness is nothing but the absence of light, so fear is nothing but the absence of love.”)

... doubt my work ...

Image: Are you an effective human being?