Don't Work for Money. Work for Knowledge. Don't be a 9 to 5-er.

Possibly my favourite Robert Kiyosaki quote "Don't Work for Money. Work for Knowledge."

In this world, money is a necessity, so you can hope to be paid a fair rate for your work (unless you're an entrepreneur and don't need to work for money). But, don't work for money, work for knowledge.

The more knowledge you acquire, the more true wealth you have. Financial wealth (external wealth) can be taken away from you. Internal wealth (knowledge and wisdom) cannot.

And don't be a 9 to 5-er!

You know what a 9 to 5-er is:
Someone who turns up to work at 9, then finishes at 5 on the dot. Someone who turns up to work just to get their daily wage. Someone who is not growing their knowledge (not growing their inner wealth.)

You've got to be different. The money is a bonus. It's the knowledge that matters. The wealth comes from the knowledge your acquire. And that's why you've got to put yourself out, get new experiences, get new knowledge, get deeper knowledge. And from more knowledge comes more money.

Life is not about getting that monthly paycheck. It's about every day building your knowledge and wisdom (your inner wealth.)