Dave Ramsey v Robert Kiyosaki on Wealth Creation

My previous two blog posts reference some of the teachings of Robert Kiyosaki:

It's interesting to compare Dave Ramsey with Robert Kiyosaki. The reality is that you can never have enough teachers. Take teachings from real teachers (people who have had real-world success with what they are teaching about - not fake teachers) and use them in a way that works for you.

Robert Kiyosaki's financial teaching comes from the Entrepreneur side. Whereas as Dave Ramsey's teaching's are more for the 99% of people who simply don't have it in them to be an entrepreneur.

Two Dave Ramsey blog posts to look at:

The 4 keys to building wealth:
1. Getting Out (and Staying Out) of Debt
2. Having a Fully Funded Emergency Fund
3. Investing 15% of Your Income for Retirement
4. Paying Off Your Home Early

How to Build Wealth in Your 20s:
- Live below your means.
- Raise your standard of living slowly.
- Budget like your future depends on it (because it does).
- Start early.

How to Build Wealth in Your 30s
- Watch your housing budget.
- Have your emergency fund securely in place.
- Max out your retirement savings options.
- Save for retirement before you save for your kids' college.

How to Build Wealth in Your 40s
- Know your portfolio.
- Don't borrow money from your retirement account.
- If you have a mortgage, start paying it down.

1. They’re avid readers.
2. They understand delayed gratification.
They realize that instant gratification is fun—but delayed gratification is so much better. Today’s sacrifices set them up for tomorrow’s success.
3. They stay away from debt.
One of the biggest myths out there is that average millionaires see "debt as a tool." Not true. If they want something they can’t afford, they save and pay cash for it later.
4. They budget.
5. They give.