Daily Dopamine Detox

For your benefit:

Dopamine detox everyday from waking until 1900 (except vacation days.)
- When you're working: Dopamine Detox
- When you're not working: Dopamine Detox

Embrace the boredom!

Your dopamine detox list will depend greatly on what things you're addicted to (things you just can't resist). Of course, you only need to dopamine detox from things that are unproductive and bad for you, if you get dopamine from things that are productive and good for you, that's fantastic.

Daily Dopamine Detox

NO Phone *
NO Computer **
NO Emails ***
NO Internet ****
NO Music, TV, Movies
NO Porn & Masturbation
NO Junk/Comfort Food *****

* Except as necessary for your work and keeping in touch with loved ones.
** Except as necessary for your work/something productive (like a blog).
*** Except as necessary for your work
**** As ** + absolutely NO YouTube, NO Facebook, NO News, NO Pistonheads, No Twitter...
***** Only water in-between 3 meals a day:
(1) Breakfast
(2) Lunch - between 1200 and 1400
(3) Supper >1900.

YES Work
YES Walking/Exercise
YES Meditation/Reflection
YES Reading/Studying
YES Writing/Journaling (writing thoughts down)
YES Personal Development
YES Productive Tasks


There are massive benefits to following the dopamine detox ethos, such as improved health and improved wealth. You might learn that some of those things you were so addicted to, you don't like so much after all.

Dopamine detox is about getting control back. It's a form of training that teaches your body to get dopamine from things that benefit you!

"It's up to you to decide where you're going to get your dopamine from.
Are you going to get it from things that don't benefit you?
Or are you going to get it from working on your long term goals?"

"(Millionaires) realize that instant gratification is fun - but delayed gratification is so much better. Today’s sacrifices set them up for tomorrow’s success."

Image: Before and After Dopamine Detox