What is the Point of Life? / What is the Meaning of Life?

I thought I’d blogged this before, but upon checking back, I realized I hadn’t, so here are the answers!

What is the Point of Life?

The point of life is very simple: SURVIVAL!

The point of life - for every species, every animal, every living thing - is survival (of themselves and of their kind.)

Every second you survive is a success!

If you procreate and bring new life to the world, that’s a very big success. But you don’t need to procreate in life to be a success - if the population of your species is healthy (X billion humans on planet earth is definitely a healthy number) then you don’t need to worry (unless you really want your bloodline to continue.)

Suicide is the ultimate failure (understandable though if quality-of-life/pain-of-life is so bad that one just needs an exit to the insufferable suffering).

What is the Meaning of Life?

There is no meaning to life, we just are!

The Universe doesn’t care about our lives. The Universe doesn’t care about a little planet called Earth. The Universe doesn’t care about anything, it just is.

It’s up to you to give your life some meaning - do what makes you happy, do what makes you feel good about yourself - the Universe will not give you a meaning.

Image: “The Happiness of Your Life Depends Upon the Quality of Your Thoughts” - Marcus Aurelius