The Key Question: Who do you want to be?

My example!

Q: Who do I want to be?

1) High-Energy “The single biggest difference between people who get what they want and people who don’t is energy!”
2) Focused “Directing a great deal of attention/interest/activity towards a particular aim.”
3) Committed “Making a commitment involves dedicating yourself to something, like a person or cause.”

Q: What are my commitments? What do I want to commit to? What are my causes?

1) To be free from debt
2) Concentration "At least an hour of concentration before you take a break/allow yourself to get distracted!"
3) Cut out the crap! "Don't waste time on crap*, take control of your life!" If you have a quiet moment, read/blog/do research.
*Crap = unproductive time wasting activities like YouTube/Facebook/Pistonheads/Autotrader.
4) Fitness (& health) “A healthy body leads to a healthy mind.” Aim for 6 days a week of 30mins+ physical activity.
5) To be slim / to not be fat! (Need a high protein diet and calorie counting.)
6) My *** - "no cheating even in the mind (lust is natural, just don't let it control you)"
7) Cars - "My one vice!"
8) Buddhist Philosophy "Hard to keep top of mind, but at least keep it in your awareness."

Image: Healthy Body + Healthy Mind = Happy Life

Q: Why Buddhist Philosophy?
[Enlightenment] is the realization of the true nature of “the way things are”.
The enlightened mind is characterized by wisdomcompassion, and purity.
The Four Noble Truths: 1) There is suffering -> 2) There is a cause of suffering -> 3) There is a cessation of suffering -> 4) There is a path leading to the cessation of suffering.
The Noble Eightfold Path (How does it apply to you?):
- Right View
- Right Thought
- Right Speech
- Right Action
- Right Livelihood
- Right Effort
- Right Mindfulness
- Right Concentration