Demons in the Mind (Inner Demons)

Recently, I have come to the realization that there are demons in my mind. I need to learn to control those demons. The demons seek self-destruction. Demons will send you down a self-destructive path.

I often get the chanting “nobody likes you, nobody likes you” and in all honesty, it hurts. I'm an introvert, I'm not particularly comfortable around people, an immense relief lifts when I escape back to my own company. At the same time, everyone wants to be liked. The reality – as with all these things we worry about – is somewhat less extreme. People are ambivalent about me, like I am ambivalent about them.

To succeed in society, you need people to like you, at least enough to get things done (get work done.) And you're only in control of yourself. All you can do is love and care about all people, treat them with the respect (unless they do something to make them undeserving of respect), and accept that you don't desire their company, nor they desire your company; whilst at the same time being a professional and getting the job done (perhaps even a professional collaboration.)

If people hate you because of the person you are, so be it. There's only so much a person can do to change themselves. We can all strive to make ourselves a better person, but certain character traits, natural preferences, will not go away, they are what makes you you.

Demons will also go on about “I hate myself, I'm no good, I'm useless, I might as well lay down and die...” Demons are the worst form of negative. You need to be positive, care and love yourself (as well as care and love others), believe in yourself, and above all, fight to survive, fight to keep that survival instinct which is the whole point of life – fight to survive, and fight for others to survive!

Other demons take away your concentration. Want you to be lazy and unproductive. Things might be boring at the base of it, but there's always value to doing productive things.

7 ways I am going to fight my inner demons?

1: Accept your nature (don't fight it). Accept your are an introvert by nature, you don't desire to have others company, and if other's don't want your company, that is fine (and understandable.) You cannot control what other people think.

2: Believe in yourself. You are an exceptional person capable of great things. Nothing is too difficult for you. You can be a contender in anything you set your mind to (not you “could've been a contender.”) 

3: Don't worry what the future holds. If you get sacked you'll survive. A sacking can turn into an awesome new opportunity.

4: Love your wife (actually still girlfriend but need to change that). Don't cheat on her even in your mind (no fantasizing over porn - if you absolutely have to pleasure yourself, do it over a picture of your girl...)

5: Your body is a temple. Find time for exercise, it is important - a healthy body leads to a healthy mind.

6: Keep busy and productive. Best way to keep the demons away is by keeping busying doing productive/positive things.

7: “You the possessors are possessed!” I've wasted a lot of money buying/selling cars. The reality is that I'm not a possessive person, I'd rather be free from possessions (including house if I didn't need a crib). I will let what possessions I have possess me for now, but don't want any more possessions. Don't want to change car again as I know this doesn't equate to happiness and contentment. I have a fantastic pair of cars! My goal is financial freedom!

Image: Depression and Anxiety by Geoff Adams