Discipline is at the Core of Everything!

I googled “without discipline” and first link was this article -
- from which I’ve taken a few key points, and added some additional images.

Discipline Is Essential To Your Character.”

“To be a great and inspiring leader, you must constantly display restraint. Not giving into something you truly want is a sign of strength.”

Discipline brings stability and structure into a person’s life. It teaches a person to be responsible and respectful.”

“Mental toughness is many things and rather difficult to explain. Its qualities are sacrifice and self-denial. Also, most importantly, it is combined with a perfectly disciplined will that refuses to give in.”

"Self-discipline is a form of freedom; freedom from laziness and lethargy; freedom from the expectations and demands of others; freedom from weakness and fear; freedom from doubt!”

Image: Discipline without freedom is tyranny; freedom without discipline is chaos

Image: Talent without Discipline is just Wasted Opportunity

Image: A Man Without Discipline Can’t Achieve Any Target

Image: Without Self-Discipline Success is Impossible!