What Kind of Driver to you Want to Be?

This is something I’ve be thinking about recently - what kind of driver do I want to be?

Things I want:

- I want to be a safe driver.
- I want to be a polite driver (i.e. if it doesn’t cost me too much momentum, let people out of turnings when traffic is busy).
- I want to be a patient driver.
- I want to be a smooth driver (with an effortlessly flowing ‘flat car’* driving style).
- I’ll overtake if I have a clear long view and a safe opportunity presents itself.
- I want to make progress but not at the expense of breaking speed limits and being dangerous!
- I want to give due respect to...
... things like tractors (the drivers are just doing a job!)
... cyclists (I think they are crazy but have every right to be on the road.)
... motorcyclists.
... people who don’t know where they are going (we’ve all been there, looking for somewhere we’ve never been to before.)
... all road users.
- I will put into practice IPSGA** (Information Position Speed Gear Accelerate)
- I want to enjoy the pleasure of driving, even if it’s busy and I’m not going fast - the feel of the steering; the feel of the gears; the feel of the seats and the car underneath me; the sensations of acceleration, cornering, and braking; the sounds (or radio/music), the sights...
- I want to be a relaxed driver (a relaxed driver is a safe driver!)
- I want to be a happy driver

I want to be a happy, patient and relaxed driver!

Things I definitely do not want:

- Don’t want to care if people overtake me.
- Don’t want to care if someone beats me (It’s not and never should be a race on the public road! You’ve won - big deal!)
- Don’t want to care if I’m in the slower lane.
- Don’t want to be one of those people who get so upset when 2-lanes merge into one and they’ve been in the slower lane that they refuse to let someone in. I mean seriously, it's one place on the road, who gives a damn, grow up and don’t be so pathetic, what difference does it make?
- Don’t want to be a boy racer.
- Don’t want to care if there is someone slow in front of me (but I will look out for opportunities to overtake) - everyone’s speed is their own personal choice, if they choose to drive 10mph (or more) below the speed limit for whatever reason, that’s fine. It is very easy to drive slow, just take your foot of the accelerator pedal!
- Don’t want to stress about driving at all (there are so many more important things in life.)
- Don’t want to stress about car ownership at all (there are so many more important things in life.)

Image: Drive Safe and Be Happy!

*To understand ‘flat car’ read:
F1 driver training... in an Astra

**IPSGA is ‘The System of Driving’ from Roadcraft (the UK’s police handbook):