The Global Warming Misconception

These are my views on Global Warming. Everyone is entitled to their own view, even if it maybe wrong (or maybe right but the majority of people think it is wrong.)

The whole Global Warming debate is based on a misconception.

Who ever said that the world should always maintain a nice temperate climate for us humans?

It is very arrogant of humans to assume that the world should always maintain the same average temperature just because it suits them.

The age of the earth is 4.5 billion years, and human civilization is around 4500 years old. Human Civilization has existed for just 0.0001% of the lifetime of the earth.

We know there have been ice ages. We know been periods of very hot climate. It would seem sensible to assume that the average temperature of the earth exists in a state of oscillation. Maybe the average temperature of the earth is going up, but it will go up so far, then come down again, and some time in the future there will be an ice age.

One thing I concede, is that perhaps human civilization is causing an acceleration of this cycle, but I don’t think anyone has produced good evidence to make this a certainty (since our detailed climate records go back only a few hundred years.) Pollution and squandering of our valuable natural resources is a bad thing for sure, and we “humans” should try to minimize our environment impact.

If pollution/environmental damage caused by human civilization might be responsible for accelerating us to the next ice age (there doesn’t seem to be a phrase for hot age), there is the proverbial elephant in the room that no one seems to be willing to talk about - overpopulation.

Let’s face it, if the population of the earth wasn’t 7.5 billion peoples and was instead say 500’000 (coincidentally the WWF’s estimate for the number of great apes left living in the world), then everyone could drive around in V12 supercars and the pollution would be a lot less.

Everyone has equal right to life. All 7.5 billion peoples in the world have an absolute equal right to life. No one is superior to anyone else. But there is a point to the above 2 paragraphs that is rarely spoken of (because everyone fears being called nasty names by ignorant people.)

And we should not make the mistake of turning the Global Warming debate into a debate about Climate Change. It’s even more ridiculous than expecting the world to always maintain the same nice temperature for us humans, to expect the world to maintain the same nice climate (fact is, humans do not understand the universe anything like as well as they think they do.)

It always bugs me when we have a very hot summer and it’s all over the news “this is a sign of things to come, this is a sign of global warming”, but when we have a very cold winter, no one says “this is a sign of global cooling”.

Yes, the average temperature of the earth may get hotter, but it’s a misconception to think it should stay the same forever!

The next Ice Age is coming!

Image: The northern ice cap creeps over earth

A Terrifying GIF of An Ice Age Ripping Through The US

The Earth Is Getting Hotter Faster Than It Ever Has Since Dawn of Civilization