Now I Understand My Civilization Game Addiction!

Back in November 2013, I wrote this post - Civilization (Computer) Game Addiction.

Image: Eureka!

In a eureka moment, I’ve finally worked out what is was about Civilization that got me so hooked (I’m not addicted anymore thankful to say). It was the productivity.

I realize I like to be productive, I like to be producing something. I can’t just sit and absorb stuff, I need to be productive. And that’s the thing about Civilization, you are producing something: you’re building cities, building armies; winning battles and conquering territory; making scientific discoveries, building wonders of the world, building an Empire!

Of-course it’s being productive in a fantasy world, your efforts don't matter one jot to the real-world. The real-world doesn't care about your fantasy endeavours, for there’s no real-world benefit to your gamer productivity. Still, if you have a deep seated need to be productive, and the real-world doesn’t satisfy that need, then you try to find it elsewhere, and the only elsewhere to real-world is fantasy world.

I’m lucky now that I’ve escaped the grip of dreamland and found real-world endeavours to satisfy my lust for productivity.

The only way is being productive!

Disclaimer: If this sounds bananas it probably is bananas. I’m writing this at 2am in the morning because of a little insomnia.