Slave to Modern Society! [READ REGULARLY!]

I am a slave to modern society.

  • I am a slave to consumerism. I buy stuff I don't need when I already have plenty enough stuff.
  • I am a slave to social media like Instagram. Constantly checking to see if I've got any likes. Or new followers. I don't really care about other peoples' stuff, but will leave a like if I see something I like. Let's face it, social media is like that, people only really care about their stuff, other peoples' stuff is very much an after thought or not a care at all.
  • I am a slave to forums. Again, checking to see if anyone has left a comment on my post/thread. And like above, the truth is no one really cares about your stuff, they only care about their stuff. There's a lot of liking for the sake of wanting people to come and like their own stuff.
No one cares on social media. And you shouldn't either. It's very much fake social.
Keep low expectations about social media then you won't be disappointed.
  • I am a slave to food and drink. Eating and drinking way more than I need.
  • I am a slave to my sexual urges and thoughts. Masturbating / shagging roughly every single day.
But, I can do something about it.

Discipline is freedom!
  • I want my freedom:
    • I don't want to feel out of control, like something other than me is pushing me to do things that I know are not in my best interests. I don't want to be an addict!
  • I want to work hard and make something of my life:
    • Working and excelling at your work is a noble use of time
    • Strive to be the best you can be at what you do, and work clever, always looking for ways to improve efficiency, and always open to new opportunities.
    • Work never ends and do not desire it to end - we are always working at life, when the work ends we die!
  • I want to be free from laziness!
  • I want to be free from indecision!
    • Decide to do something and do it!
    • Don't waste time thinking about things. There comes a point where you've thought enough and it is time for action!
  • I want to be free from consumerism:
    • I don't need another car. I don't need another doll. I don't need an expensive holiday (but experiences are valuable.)
    • The happiest people don't have the best of everything, they just make the best of everything they have.
  • I want my freedom from social media:
    • Social media after 6pm (no social media before 6pm)
      • Instagram (max 2 posts a day) > Miss X's Blog > MLDx > TDx
  • I want to be free from gluttony:
    • Have a hearty breakfast.
    • After your morning ablutions and a coffee, set your timer to 2 hours.
    • Every 2 hours you can have coffee/tea/water/squash/juice and nuts/apple/banana.
    • Supper after 1800
  • I want to be free from my penis:
    • Try not to fap every day. Fap every 3 or more days.
    • An unrestrained penis is a powerful curse upon the wielder.
  • I want to be free from the false belief of happiness:
    • This idea that we are meant to be happy is often the root of unhappiness. It is good to struggle and feel discomfort. Problems are good!
  • I want to be free from uncertainty:
    • Every morning after breakfast make a plan of what you want to do that day!
  • I want to be free from d*ll photography:
    • It's a pastime I enjoy, but nothing much comes from it. It is very much something I do for me, no one else much cares about my work. Excepting ad-hoc kind of photos, only take after 1300, and preferably not during the working day!
  • I want to be free from stress:
    • We'll all die one day, so why worry. The wave of life (the state of being on) ends for everyone eventually.
  • I want to be free from music:
    • Music is great but a a distraction. Music after 1800!
How much do you want it?

And that is the crux of the matter. You've got to really want freedom, otherwise you will always be a slave.

I want freedom!

(freedom from myself)