What Do I Live For?

It is perhaps easier to list out what I don't live for:

  • I don't live for internet forums.
  • I don't live for social media (Discord, Facebook, Instagram, Twatter, etcetera...)!
  • I don't live for attention - I am not an attention seeker!
    • I don't live to create a reaction
    • I don't live for peoples reactions to me
    • I don't live for likes 
  • I don't live to react (to stuff)! (I don't want to react - I want to be stoic.)
  • I don't live to be addicted to a mobile phone screen like some zombie mind-frazzled junkie!
    • I don't live for my mobile phone!
  • I don't live to moronically imbibe whatever rubbish is showing on television!
  • I don't live for money, since money is not life, nor is it real.
    • Many people with lots of money are unhappy. Money does not buy happiness.
    • And yes, money is not real. It is a number. Governments all around the world manufacture gazillions of dollars a year out of nothing. It only has reality/life when you spend it on something.
  • I don't live to waste money,
  • I don't live for sex.
  • I don't live for greed.
    • I live to share!
  • I don't live to be stressed.
    • What is the point in that!? At the end of the day, nothing really matters.
So what exactly do I live for?
  • I live for death.
    • Death does not exist without life. Life does not exist without death. Death is the only certainty in our lives.
  • I live for freedom.
    • "For to be free is not merely to cast off one's chains,  but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others." - Mandella
  • I live to work.
    • Life isn't about doing what you enjoy, it is about enjoying what you do.
    • If you're lucky, your passion is you work. If your passion isn't your work, maybe you can find a way to make your passion you work. Otherwise, make your work your passion!
    • Really, what else is there to do. Cannot just bum away ones life. To work is good. And good is to work. And if you're lucky, you can make a difference, and improve the human condition!
  • I live for family (a little bit 😉).
    • Well, I am married. Not sure how that happened. But my wife is lovely, I cannot really complain. Yes, would be great if she had money and wasn't a drain on my resources, but she's a relatively minor drain. Nothing to be gained by being a bad husband, I may as well live to be a good husband!
    • And my oldies, are incredibly boring, but they are what they are, and won't live forever, so I will live a bit for them.
  • I live to make others smile.
    • Smiling is beneficial. If you can make others happy, smile, and feel good, that is a great thing!
  • I live to serve others.
    • "The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others." - Ghandi
  • I live to get the work done (get stuff done) and out the way, then I can play!
  • I live to give and not expect anything in return.
    • I live to share.
  • I live to not complain about my life (not even to myself)
    • If something is wrong in my life and I have the power to change it, I do something about it.
  • I live to not be petty (pettiness is silly and childish)
  • I live for life.
    • Life is a game, a dance, a dance with death. One day death will win, but whilst he isn't victorious, play the game of life to your best ability.
  • I live to (simply) live.
    • A simple life is best!
Furthermore (passions):
  • I live for music
  • I live for silence
  • I live for food & drink
  • I live for dolls (photography and more)
  • I live for Miss K
  • I live for cars