When Working from Home - One Rule to Rule Them All

  • Time 2 hours
    • focus 100% on work in those 2 hours
      • when 2 hours is up you can take a break!
That's the main rule. And when the 2 hours is up you can do pretty much whatever you want - except you must practice food & drink discipline - but you only have up to 30 minutes, then you must return to work! Going for a walk at lunch time (a 1 hours lunch break) is healthy and most definitely allowed.

Other rules:
  • Practice food & drink discipline from 0730 to 1730
    • Drink only tea, coffee and water/squash
    • Eat only nuts and apples
  • Aim to start work <= 0730. And don't finish work until >= 1730
    • Start, 0730-0930, short-break, 1000-1200, lunch, 1300-1500, short-break, 1530-1730, end!
    • If you want to start earlier and/or finish later, excellent!
  • Be in bed by 2200 and wake up at 0500.