Fuck Off And Die You Cunt(s)!!!

  • I'm not a social person.
  • I don't need to be part of a social club.
  • I don't need friends!
  • I don't need to be liked/respected/cared about!
    • No one fucking cares anyway - they are all fake!
  • I don't need pageviews/likes/replies!
  • I don't need acceptance/approval/validation!
  • I don't need internet forums or any of that social media shit!
  • The path of the loner is my way.
  • So fuck off and die you cunts!
I profit/benefit from:
  • !!!!! Working  !!!!!
  •  !!!! Exercise !!!!
  •   !!! Reading  !!!
  •    !! Music    !!
  •     ! Blogging !

I do not profit/benefit from any of these fucking useless things:

  • Thinking negative thoughts.
  • Having the wrong attitude.
  •  Internet forums.
  • Social interaction (fuck off and die you cunts!)