3 Core Questions to Build Your Success Plan

Continuing from:

Q1: What do I want?

Q: What are your lifestyle wants and needs...?
Q: ... from a health perspective?
Q: ... from a relationships perspective?
Q: ... from a material items perspective (things that make you happy)?

Be very clear about what it is you want (these become your goals)!

Q2: What are my goals?

Q: Personal goals?
Q: Vocational/Business goals?
Q: What does success mean to you?

“There is no such thing as failure. Only learning.”

Q3: What can I do?

Q: What motivates you?

Motivation drives you.
A positive attitude gives you a better outlook on a situation (and benefits your appearance to others.)
Be consciously aware what the voice in your head is telling you.
Be happy for other people and their success.
See opportunities.

Q: What can you do to make money?
Q: What can you do to achieve your goals?
Q: How can you network and meet people (human enrichment)?

Learn to leverage your time.
Learn how to make sacrifices.

Employ some patience. Get a goal. Make a success plan based on your lifestyle wants and needs. But - most importantly - just start doing!

Image: Success